No Meu Navegar
Comigo te tenho
Meu pensamento
Navega em teu redor
Nada é mais feliz
Do que não sentir a dor
Sou assim antes de te conhecer
E assim serei até desaparecer
Encontrei o meu caminho
No meu navegar!
Até de novo te encontrar
Agora que perdido me encontro
Anseio por ao porto arribar…
Just me before we met
Looking through the photos you find in my drawer
Laughing so hard you`re rolling around on the floor
At all the bad hair cuts and me smoking cigarettes a lustless romantic trying hard to impress
Putting down the photos you look up at me
Enjoying the thought of the person
That I used to be
The things I was proud of, the things I regret
Some things I remember, some things I forget
But that`s just me before we met.
I have always had a wild imagination
And a see through heart
Which I know can be a wild combination
Like a flame forms from a spark
But don`t be shy be brave little champion
Better to live than to hide
Don`t be shy be brave little champion
That`s just me before we Met.
Noah &the Whale
Somente para ti !!!
Jimmy o marinheiro
feliz Domingo
Miguel Gameiro - Dá-me um abraço |